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Sometimes I think these endeavours satisfy our own egos more than anything else.  Nobody wins when that happens….

Poverty in America


I love Democracy Now and I loved their interview with Tavis Smiley and Cornel West on poverty in America with a critical look at Obama.

It’s too Noisy!!!

Here’s an awesome article about the importance of quiet in our lives.  As things have gotten noisier and busier and we’re experiencing sensory overload it’s become clear that humans need to have moments of reflection and meditation.  It is not just a luxury but a requirement for health and intellectual expansion.  It seems like these days if one isn’t constantly texting or running one’s children from one event to another then one isn’t productive but I think it’s the contrary.  We run like hamsters on a wheel and neither us nor the hamsters are getting anywhere.


Artisanally Crazed

I like to try to make everything myself.  If I see a beautiful bowl I think “I LOVE that!“ and then I pause just before reaching for it to make the purchase and think “ I can make that“….I visualize the process of making it in my head and just the thought feels gratifying which is why I have sooo little stuff in my home.  I have succeeded making quite a few pieces of pottery.  Now if I could only increase my upper body strength I`d be able to conquer the larger beautiful bowls that I covet.  I like to bake and cook everything from scratch and I`m a bit of a purist.  I like to know how things were authentically made and discard recipes that contain life easing substitutes and shortcuts….which I can assure you would make my life easier.  I`m currently looking into designing my children`s bedroom furniture…I can`t stand the thought of purchasing disposable stuff or outrageously priced stuff that poses as being unique when there are a slew of stores across North America carrying those items.  I could go vintage which would be awesome but one doesn`t have time for the hunt when one is trying to tackle chocolate layer cakes!!! The funny thing is if you knew me you`d know that I`m not full of myself nor do I have any ill opinion of others  who don`t posess this crazy characteristic.  In fact, my husband often tells me that I`m in desperate need of an ego.  I just consider myself well…neurotic…that is until I saw Toronto Standard`s Made in Toronto series featuring a video of  Hand made Fashion by Hoi Bo.   It feels good to know that there are others like me who feel the same way I do about consumerism and craftsmanship.  Take a look..but before you do my apologies for the colour and strikethrough.  I`ve tried to get rid of it but as you can see have been quite unsuccessful in my effort.  Feeling a sudden bit of nostalgia for pink pearl erasers.



A beautiful article about the soul’s need to connect with the Divine and the distractions that get in the way…..


Rainy Days

I’m not sure about everyone else but when I feel like there’s a dark cloud hanging over me a sunny day is not what I need.  I love a good down pour.  The clouds roll in the sky gets dark and rain comes down in sheets….somehow that washes away the sadness.

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