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Artisanally Crazed

I like to try to make everything myself.  If I see a beautiful bowl I think “I LOVE that!“ and then I pause just before reaching for it to make the purchase and think “ I can make that“….I visualize the process of making it in my head and just the thought feels gratifying which is why I have sooo little stuff in my home.  I have succeeded making quite a few pieces of pottery.  Now if I could only increase my upper body strength I`d be able to conquer the larger beautiful bowls that I covet.  I like to bake and cook everything from scratch and I`m a bit of a purist.  I like to know how things were authentically made and discard recipes that contain life easing substitutes and shortcuts….which I can assure you would make my life easier.  I`m currently looking into designing my children`s bedroom furniture…I can`t stand the thought of purchasing disposable stuff or outrageously priced stuff that poses as being unique when there are a slew of stores across North America carrying those items.  I could go vintage which would be awesome but one doesn`t have time for the hunt when one is trying to tackle chocolate layer cakes!!! The funny thing is if you knew me you`d know that I`m not full of myself nor do I have any ill opinion of others  who don`t posess this crazy characteristic.  In fact, my husband often tells me that I`m in desperate need of an ego.  I just consider myself well…neurotic…that is until I saw Toronto Standard`s Made in Toronto series featuring a video of  Hand made Fashion by Hoi Bo.   It feels good to know that there are others like me who feel the same way I do about consumerism and craftsmanship.  Take a look..but before you do my apologies for the colour and strikethrough.  I`ve tried to get rid of it but as you can see have been quite unsuccessful in my effort.  Feeling a sudden bit of nostalgia for pink pearl erasers.


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